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The State Announces a “0” Percent Allocation for State Water Project Supplies


Claremont, CA — The Department of Water Resources (DWR) announced today of a zero percent initial State Water Project allocation for 2022, in response to ongoing multi-year drought conditions in the state.


The initial zero percent allocation from the State is the latest in a series of actions taken due to two years of dry conditions. Earlier this year, Governor Newsom asked all Californians to voluntarily reduce their water use by 15 percent. In preparation for a third consecutive dry year, Newsom declared a statewide drought emergency in October.


“This extreme reduction in our Northern California supplies means we all must increase our conservation efforts. I am pleased to say this message has been aggressively acted upon by the retail member agencies we serve,” stated Matthew Litchfield, General Manager for Three Valleys Municipal Water District (TVMWD).


In October, the TVMWD board adopted a resolution declaring a Water Supply Alert in anticipation of the zero percent allocation. This was followed in November with the board’s declaration of a Water Shortage Contingency Plan – Shortage Level 2 – which calls for up to a 20% reduction in water use. TVMWD’s Miramar Water Treatment Plant in Claremont is 100% state water project dependent for over 20,000 acre feet of water per year. This accounts for approximately one-third of the treated water necessary to meet the demands of the service area, in addition to local supplies.


Official Response to Urgent Message Circulated to North Claremont Neighborhood Residents on or about March 22, 2020

Public Notice - Your Tap Water is Safe to Drink

Three Valleys Municipal Water District responds to the COVID-19 emergency


March 20, 2020


Three Valleys Municipal Water District (TVMWD) is closely monitoring public health recommendations related to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and taking precautions to protect the well-being of our employees and the public.


The water we treat and deliver to our 14 member agencies across eastern Los Angeles County remains safe to drink and use. Our supplies of local groundwater and imports from the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD) are not impacted by COVID-19. Additionally, the state-of-the-art treatment process at our Miramar plant and MWD’s Weymouth facility ensures our water meets or exceeds all state and federal health and safety regulations.


TVMWD is fully prepared to respond to this pandemic and maintain operations to avoid any service disruptions.


As a wholesale provider of supplemental water to the region, TVMWD does not serve the public directly. To do our part to combat the spread of the virus, we have closed our offices to the public, and administrative staff is working from home when possible. The personnel who regulate and treat our water supplies and maintain the system continue to work so we can ensure safe water and uninterrupted service to more than 525,000 people served by our member agencies across 133 square miles.


TVMWD is committed to maintaining high-quality water and customer service as well as protecting public health during these trying times.





Board Advances Plan to Analyze Impacts of Proposed Water Project

Three Valleys Municipal Water District Wins 2019 ACWA - Most Active Agency Outreach Award

Cadiz Workshop

Cadiz Study Follow Up

Drought ravages California's reservoirs ahead of hot sumer

OROVILLE, Calif. (AP) — Each year Lake Oroville helps water a quarter of the nation’s crops, sustain endangered salmon beneath its massive earthen dam and anchor the tourism economy of a Northern California county that must rebuild seemingly every year after unrelenting wildfires.


But now the mighty lake — a linchpin in a system of aqueducts and reservoirs in the arid U.S. West that makes California possible — is shrinking with surprising speed amid a severe drought, with state officials predicting it will reach a record low later this summer.


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California voters OK’d billions for water projects. Where are the new dams, reservoirs?


It doesn’t look like much now, a dry and dusty valley surrounded by the modest mountains of California’s Coast Range.


These barren, brown hills an hour northwest of Sacramento will be the future home of Sites Reservoir, one of the few major water projects to be built in California since the 1970s. California taxpayers are helping pay for Sites, which would hold more water than Folsom Lake, through a $7.1 billion bond they approved during the 2014 election. With the state facing a potentially catastrophic drought, leaders of the Sites Project Authority say the reservoir would dramatically improve California’s water supplies.


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Transparency Certificate of Excellence Awarded to Three Valleys Municipal Water District

June 24, 2021


The Three Valleys Municipal Water District (TVMWD) received the District Transparency Certificate of Excellence by the Special District Leadership Foundation (SDLF) in recognition of its outstanding efforts to promote transparency and good governance.


“This award is a testament to the Three Valleys Municipal Water District’s commitment to open government,” said, Matthew Litchfield, TVMWD General Manager. “Our staff is to be commended for their contributions that empower the public with information and facilitate engagement and oversight.” To receive the award, the Three Valleys Municipal Water District demonstrated the completion of essential governance transparency requirements, including conducting ethics training for all board members, properly conducting open and public meetings, and filing financial transactions and compensation reports to the State Controller in a timely manner.


SDLF is an independent, non-profit organization formed to promote good governance and best practices among California’s special districts through certification, accreditation, and other recognition programs.

Three Valleys Municipal Water District Recognized as “District of Distinction”

June 24, 2021


The Three Valleys Municipal Water District (TVMWD) received the “District of Distinction” accreditation by the Special District Leadership Foundation (SDLF) for its sound fiscal management policies and practices in district operations.


“SDLF provides an independent audit review of the last three years of the district’s operations to ensure prudent fiscal practices,” said Matthew Litchfield, TVMWD General Manager. The committee members who review the audits are volunteers from the special district community, including district controllers, directors of finance and certified general managers.


In addition, the district’s board of directors and executive staff must also show proof of educational training in public governance, as well as compliance with ethics and harassment prevention training.


Furthermore, to receive the recognition, the district’s website must include posting of transparency requirements, including election procedure and deadlines, posted board meeting schedule and agendas, current district budget, most recent financial audit, and a list of compensation of board members and staff or a link to the State Controller’s webpage with the data.


SDLF is an independent, non-profit organization formed to promote good governance and best practices among California’s special districts through certification, accreditation and other recognition programs.

Metropolitan Wins Top Honors for Best Tasting Tap Water in the U.S.

The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California has the best-tasting tap water in the nation, a panel of judges concluded this weekend as part of the 31st annual Berkeley Springs International Water Tasting competition, featuring water sourced from 14 countries and 19 states.


Metropolitan garnered top honors in the municipal water category, with its member agency, the City of Santa Ana, coming in at second place.


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First-ever Colorado River water shortage is now almost certain, new projections show

(CNN) Thousands of people will celebrate Memorial Day this weekend on the water of Lake Mead, just 24 miles east of Las Vegas on the border of Arizona and Nevada.

What they may not realize is that the oasis they're enjoying in the desert is entering unchartered territory, with significant ramifications for millions across the Southwest in the years to come.

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